Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Summer Days

If you want to understand Deerfoot Lodge, you really need to experience it for yourself.  Words fall painfully short in describing such an indescribable place, but I'll do my best. If you're ever looking for a good reason to believe in a God who created the universe, check out the Adirondack mountains.  Every summer, 70 college-age guys sacrifice the luxuries of facebook, running water, and girls to be a part of something much bigger than a great summer camp. Deerfoot's mission is to "build Godly young men in a Christ-centered community through wilderness camping." I've been a part of many communities, but none quite like the Lodge. In the summer of 2005, after 6 years of being a camper myself, I applied for the 8 week Guide Program. During these life-changing weeks, I made lifelong friends, and grew more than I could have imagined. In the summers since then, I've done more of the same.

This summer, I had the privilege of serving in the role of Point Section Chief. I worked with the other senior staff to facilitate the running of camp, the performance of the counselors, and most importantly, our effectiveness in carrying out the mission statement.  I lived in a large, one room log cabin with my assistant(s).  I was directly responsible for the counselors and campers in the 12-13 year old age bracket: the Pioneers.  Of the approximately 200 Pioneers at Deerfoot over the course of the summer, I loved some, had to work really hard to love others, and tried to make sure they all experienced God in a new way.

I grew a lot this summer.  Being a camp counselor had become comfortable for me after 3 summers, but I wasn't exactly sure what I was getting myself into with this new role.  When over 30 campers and staff were infected with swine flu during the first 2 weeks of camp, I began to realize what I had gotten myself into.  Along with the other senior staff, we prayed and fought our way through, and by the end of camp, we had all become pros at our positions.  There were times when I felt so inadequate to be a leader of such solid guys, but it was during those times that I learned the importance of finding my identity in Christ, and leading in a way that points others to Him.  Looking back, there are countless ways I could have done a better job, but I know that I was there for a purpose, and I'm confident that my purpose was accomplished.

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